Let’s start at the very beginning…

Let’s be honest.

New beginnings are hard. New beginnings are scary. New beginnings are so very uncomfortable, and often I find myself second-guessing every. little. thing.

What if I’m making a huuuuuge mistake? What if I’m becoming too loud and visible? What if I put my heart and soul into ____ and no one connects or responds?

What if, what if, what if???

But here’s the thing…if (and when) I find myself in a “new beginning,” that also means a couple of things:

  1. I was brave. I had an idea, or came to a realization, and I took action. Maybe I didn’t run towards this new thing, maybe I walked, maybe I meandered, or maybe even crawled on my hands and knees…but I moved forward. This act takes immense courage.

  2. I walked through Shadow and Death to get to this new beginning. I looked Death in the face, whether it was through a physical loss or an emotional/mental/spiritual one, and learned so many valuable lessons. Lessons that simply cannot be learned any other way. I walked through Shadow, through uncertainty, through doubt and darkness that I thought would never end, and came through to the light.

Here’s another thing.

You have, too.

Dear One,

You are so strong. You have been through so much.


You are in the midst of that Death. You are in the middle of that Loss, that darkness and doubt.

Even if you don’t feel like it, this season will come to completion in its own perfect time. You are being led through this trial-by-fire so that you will emerge strengthened. And you will, don’t doubt that.

Make sure that you have the eyes to see this. Make sure that you have the ears to hear this. Make sure you have the heart that is open to receiving this wisdom.

If you’re reading this, I have a sneaking suspicion that you already do. <3

Take heart, and, as always,

Shine on, lovelights!



Total Eclipse of the Flower Moon (and the word that makes all the difference)