It Begins With Me
It begins with me, this work of making a difference in the world.
We live in a time of nightmares, where families are being torn apart, either by their political/moral differences, or by forces outside of their control that would seek to destroy them. The same is happening to communities. Structures that might provide just a hint of support in the face of the already overtaxed and upside-down system are being squashed. Human rights are being taken away at alarming speeds. Crimes are being committed against humanity and our planet, and those committing these atrocities are crowing in their triumph, as if they can’t be touched there on top of the world.
It all feels…well, hopeless. It’s hard to even find the words to quantify what’s happening.
Despite the weight of it all, there is a small flicker of flame that burns deep inside of me, and it constantly reminds me of this:
It begins with me.
Can I commit daily to extending kindness, care, and compassion to myself?
Can I commit daily to doing the inner work that is required for me to be in my highest alignment and purpose?
Can I commit daily to watering, tending to, and pruning in the garden of my life? Can I let go of the people, things, and situations that will naturally fall away?
From there, it spirals outward.
It’s in the unconditional love and grace that I extend towards my partner, and it’s in the same unconditional love and grace that he reflects back to me.
It’s in the loving honesty that we share, and true intimacy of safe vulnerability.
It’s in how we view each other as completely rare, precious, and miraculous presences in our lives.
From there, it spirals outward.
It’s in the devotion and loving care that we show to our family units, both biological and chosen. It’s in the hours of trying to find time to see each other’s faces and hear each other’s voices, somehow, some way.
From there, it spirals outward.
It’s in the effort and organization of communal events and times of fellowship.
It’s in the attention to the needs of those around us - the ACTUAL needs of others, devoid of our own judgments or thoughts of what “should” or “shouldn’t” be.
It’s in keeping up with each other, and giving the gift of real presence and vulnerability.
From there, it spirals outward, and on and on it goes. From community, to town, to city, to county, to state, to country, to all of us.
Before we can get there, we have to commit to being the best human that we can be.
If only we could take a step back from ourselves, see all the baggage, trauma, and toxic patterning, and face it head on! There is no, “That’s the way it’s - or I’ve - always been, so that’s how it’s - or I’m - going to be…”
We always have a choice.
I always have a choice.
It begins with me.